POURing ARIA into the HTML element specs

If you’re a web developer, or if you develop browsers or assistive technologies (AT), the following screenshot is probably familiar to you. It’s the first part of the definition of the button element in the HTML specification. But wait… what’s that new section called “Accessibility considerations” doing there? There’s a link “For authors” and a […]

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<select> your poison part 2: test all the things

TL:DR; Jump straight to the recommendations In part 1 of this deep dive, we took a broad look at both how the native <select> element works across browsers and platforms, and the current state of accessible custom select component implementations. It’s necessary to look at how fragmented current select UX patterns are in order to […]

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<select> your poison

If the web accessibility community were to somehow collectively agree on a single rallying cry, it could easily be “use native, semantic HTML elements.” This, like most things in accessibility, is an oversimplification, but it is a helpful one. As 2019 draws to a close, many of the popular component libraries (see: Material UI and […]

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Game accessibility and the Web

Computer games are a big deal: they are part of our culture, they provide and can promote social inclusion, they can educate (from encouraging and supporting player creativity through making modifications and new game levels, to being used as teaching aids) and they are a hugely popular means of recreation. Just as with other walks […]

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An adventurer’s guide to W3C specs

2019 has been a landmark year for web standards milestones: the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) turned 25 this October, and it published the first version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 20 years ago in May 1999. Across these past couple decades, the standards body has published quite a few sets of guidelines […]

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Web Components and the Accessibility Object model (AOM)

HTML is often underestimated – it isn’t complicated and it isn’t strict, and you can start producing results with just a handful of elements. It isn’t creative like CSS, or energetic like JavaScript, but it quietly teams up with the browser to make a lot of the web work – much more than many people […]

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Accessibility and Inclusion with the World’s Most Popular Communication Tool: Email

In today’s article, Jason Rodriguez shares some best practices on creating more accessible and inclusive email campaigns, routinely ranked as one of the world’s most valuable marketing channels, yet very little work has been done to make it more accessible for under-represented groups.

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Accessible SVG Icons with Inline Sprites

At a certain stage in a project someone always comes in and says: ‘We need icons!’ And why do people need icons? Whatever the reasoning may be, we need to make sure that people who can’t see or recognize these icons can understand their purpose. Marco Hengstenberg visits the practice of using SVG icons with inline sprites, and how to ensure these icons are accessible.

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The “D” in the DOM

It’s within the Document Object Model (DOM) that we find one of the keys to building accessible things for the web: the document. Anthony Jeffery helps us decide what HTML elements to use to lay the foundation for an accessible document.

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How to build a cloud-hosted accessibility testing Windows computer using Amazon WorkSpaces

In today’s article, Eric Bailey describes the cloud-based option offered by Amazon AWS for developers to create powerful virtual computers in the cloud that are easy to access, but difficult to initially set up. Eric provides the setup steps, and offers a gift to help.

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Writing Automated Tests for Accessibility

In today’s article, Marcy Sutton explains that while automated tests for accessibility are no substitute for regular manual testing and testing with actual users, they can help free up your team a bit while communicating code quality to members of your team and potentially prevent regressions from deploying to production.

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Providing Alternate Content for Screen Reader Users

Sometimes, components of your user interface will communicate information in a visual manner for which a programmatic or text equivalent may not be available. In these situations, you have to come up with a way to provide the same information to users of screen readers in order to provide an equivalent experience. This article will […]

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